
A moment of stillness in chaos…
A moment of sanity in criticism…
A moment of silence in noise…
Hold it…

Live it…

Breathe through…
Lies the journey of being to become…

4.45AM Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Rain hits the window. Thunder gushes

In the dark I shuffle my duvet. A voice tells me, “Get out of yourself, you are missing out on something.”

I sprang up from the bed, perform ablution, changed into my athletic clothes, covering my head and peeping out into the dark clouds… Sipping my hot water, putting on my shoes, I walked out of the house… That moment everything changed.

As I walked, the pitter patter of raindrops fell on me… I din’t know what was coming. My instincts screamed as I ran to the nearby mosque of Jalan Kelang Lama.

I performed the ‘Fajr’ prayers and sat with my eyes closed… Hearing the silence… What is this calamity I felt within me?

Unanswered, I leave the mosque and start my walk..observing the first streak of light. Emptiness surrounding the streets… A fog of divinity descending on me… I detected a different energy… I dint know what it was… I felt that I found myself… and found the divine within myself… Divine light seeped into my being… A new journey began.

A spiritual journey… that has never stopped since… It changed dynamics, to get deeper within my being… From walks to yoga, writing to performing, whirling to dancing… to art

And here I am coming out into the open to share the tectonics of my journey… It was a lonely journey, but I had to share my deepest feelings so no other soul who experiences this ever feels alone.